Energy Company Obligation Forms

Forms for ECO4 and The Great British Insulation Scheme

This page hosts forms for two Energy Company Obligation schemes, ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS).

The forms on this page are used to collect and provide evidence of measure eligibility and are mandatory for pre-retrofit assessments carried out after 30 June 2023. Some forms have been merged, which means they can be used for both schemes. Merged forms will be titled with both ECO4 and GBIS.

ECO4 & GBIS Eligibility Requirements Form

This document confirms eligibility for both schemes. Where applicable, it must be signed by the occupier, the landlord or social landlord.

ECO4 & GBIS Pre-Installation Project/Measure Survey

The purpose of this form is to capture project or measure information before installation takes place. It must be signed by the retrofit coordinator.

Pre-Existing Loft Insulation Declaration

This form is used to declare the presence or absence of pre-existing loft insulation. It must be signed by the retrofit coordinator/installer, occupier and/or landlord. Where loft insulation is installed, this declaration must be completed and secured inside of the loft.

ECO4 & GBIS Post-Installation Declaration Form

The purpose of this form is to capture the details of the completed measure or project. It must be signed by the retrofit coordinator, retrofit installer, and the occupier or landlord.

ECO4 Pre-Installation Heating Checklist

The purpose of this form is to provide assurance that heating measures installed meet ECO4 requirements. It assesses a home’s pre-main heat source and status with regard to insulation pre-conditions. It must be signed by the retrofit coordinator and the retrofit installer.

ECO4 & GBIS ECO Reporting and Evidencing Forum Privacy Notice

The privacy notice outlines what personal information is collected under ECO4 and the Great British Insulation Scheme by retrofit coordinators and installers.

ECO4 & GBIS Templates to Evidence Private Domestic Premises and Social Housing

These templates are to be used in scenarios where documents as requested by the forms are not available. For example, Land Registry extracts, or a tenancy/occupancy agreement.

Measures Tables

The measures tables are now available as subsidiary documents to the ECO4 and GBIS delivery guidance. You can find them here:

ECO4 and The Great British Insulation Scheme File Naming Convention

The below table contains document codes to simplify the reporting process for members of the supply chain.

Document name Document code
ECO4 & The Great British Insulation Scheme Pre-Installation Project/Measure Survey PIPS
ECO4 & The Great British Insulation Scheme Eligibility Requirements Form ERF
ECO4 & The Great British Insulation Scheme Post Retrofit Declaration PCID
Pre-Existing Loft Insulation Declaration PLID
ECO4 & The Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Reporting Working Group Privacy Notice PRIV
ECO4 Pre-Installation Heating Checklist PIHC