


The Center for Professional Success’ Internship Program empowers undergraduate and graduate students to maximize experiential learning opportunities by equipping them with tools and strategies key to making a successful transition to the highly competitive workforce.

Students gain a competitive advantage for future employment by participating in internships. Specifically, internships provide meaningful work experience, chances to network with industry executives and an introduction to potential careers and employers, along with acquiring new skills and a firsthand perspective on how to apply classroom knowledge to the workplace.

Internship services offered by the center include:


The center offers several information sessions each semester to help business students prepare for and secure internships. See our upcoming information sessions below.

Information Sessions

How to Earn Academic Credit for Internships
Thursday, March 20 from 2-3 p.m. in the Starry Conference Room (RBB 214)

Internship Search and Planning Strategies
Wednesday, March 29 from 1-2 p.m. in the Starry Conference Room (RBB 214)

Register here to attend a session.

Unable to attend one of our sessions or want to make a one-on-one appointment? Contact the internship team at

Internship Search Assistance

The Center for Professional Success created a list of resources to help students quickly locate websites dedicated to internships. The list is not intended to be exhaustive, and inclusion of these resources should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the center.

Internship Search Resources

FSU Affiliated Resources

FSU College of Business Job Board allows students to search for job and internships opportunities posted by employers actively recruiting College of Business students.

NoleNetwork is the FSU Career Center’s system for linking students and alumni directly with hiring employers and FSU Career Center programs.

FSU International Programs Internships – FSU’s International Programs offers internships every semester in four international cities.

Public Sector and NonProfit Resources
Additional Searching Resources

Links are provided for informational purposes and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

Center for Professional Success on LinkedIn periodically links to active job and internship postings across the LinkedIn platform.

Earn Academic Credit for Internships

Understanding and following the proper steps is crucial in obtaining academic credit for an internship. Please review the 5-Step internship course application process below.

Course Application Process

Business Internship Course Application Process


Undergraduate business students interested in completing a credit-earning internship should submit a Student Request form to enroll in one of the below internship courses.

Accounting Majors

ACG 4941: Accounting Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of general business elective credit

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

ACG 4632: Auditing Theory and Application I
Tax 4001: Federal Tax Accounting I

Additional Information: Counts toward the 30 hours of accounting required by the State of Florida for CPA licensure.

Finance Majors

FIN 4941: Finance Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of general business elective credit

FIN 3403: Financial Management of the Firms
FIN 3244: Financial Markets, Institutions and International Finance Systems

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

General Business

GEB 4941: General Business Internship

Counts for: 0 hours for transcript recognition or 1-6 hours of general business elective credit

Prerequisite(s): None

Additional Information: Students must complete at least the minimum number of work hours to earn academic credit. Credit hours cannot be reduced after the final enrollment deadline.

Ratio of credit hours to work hours:
0 credit hours = 60 work hours
1 credit hour = 90 work hours
2 credit hours = 120 work hours
3 credit hours = 150 work hours
4 credit hours = 190 work hours
5 credit hours = 210 work hours
6 credit hours = 250 work hours

Human Resource Management Majors

MAN 4941: HR Management Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of major elective credit within the HR Management major

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• MAN 3240: Organizational Behavior
• 3 credit hours of management, HR or major-specific general business core courses

Management Majors

MAN 4941: Management Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of major elective credit within the Management major

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• MAN 3240: Organizational Behavior
• 3 credit hours of management, HR or major-specific general business core courses

Management Information Systems Majors

ISM 4941: Management Information Systems Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of major elective credit within the Management Information Systems major

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• ISM 4212: Information for Operating Control and Data Management

Marketing Majors

MAR 4941: Marketing Internship

Counts for: 3 credit hours of marketing major-specific general business core courses

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• MAR 3023: Basic Marketing Concepts
• 3 credit hours of marketing major-specific general business core courses

Professional Sales Majors

MAR 4941: Professional Sales Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of major elective credit within the Professional Sales major

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• MAR 3023: Basic Marketing Concepts
• MAR 3400: Professional Selling

Additional Information: MAR 4941 is a graduation requirement for professional sales majors.

Real Estate Majors

REE 4941: Real Estate Internship

Counts for: 3 credit hours of general elective credit

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

Prerequisite(s): None

Risk Management/Information Majors

RMI 4941: Risk Management/Insurance Internship

Counts for: 3 hours of general business elective credit

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

• RMI 3011: Risk Management and Insurance
• 6 credit hours of Risk Management/Insurance major-specific general business core courses


Graduate business students interested in completing a credit-earning internship should submit a Student Request form to enroll in the below internship course.

MAcc, MBA, MS-BA and MSF Students

GEB 5944: Graduate Internship for MAcc, MBA, MS-BA and MSF

Counts for: 3 hours of general business elective credit for MBA, MS-BA and MSF; MAcc permits up to 6-credit hours.

Minimum work hours required during semester: 150

Prerequisite(s): None

Additional Information: Graduate student requests to enroll in internship courses require departmental permission and/or approval. Graduate students may not use full-time employment as an internship for academic credit. To qualify as a graduate level internship, experience must strongly reinforce the key concepts learned throughout coursework.


If you have questions about the college’s internship courses or the internship search, please click on the below frequently asked questions.

Academic-Credit Internship FAQs

How do I enroll in a business internship course?

Click on the garnet “Course Application Process” button under the “Earn Academic Credit for Internships” section for our 5-step application process on the main internship webpage.

What are the course requirements for a business internship course?

Click on the appropriate garnet button under the “Undergraduate Internship Courses and Requirements” or “Graduate Internship Courses and Requirements” section on the main internship webpage.

What is the deadline to enroll in a business internship course?

Both sections of your internship application (your request AND the employment verification) must be submitted prior to the last day of Drop/Add of your requested semester.

I submitted a request to enroll in a business internship course, but haven’t heard back. How can I check on the status of my application?

All our communications will be sent to you from First, search this email address within your inbox and ensure you haven’t missed any emails from us.

Then, touch base with your employer to ensure they have received and completed the employment verification. A missing employment verification is the most common reason for delays in processing.

If an employment verification has been submitted to our office, you should receive an email from us within ten (10) business days. If outside this timeframe, please touch base with us at

I completed an internship in the past. Can I enroll in a business internship course for this previous work experience?

Unfortunately, no. Course assignments require you to actively participate with your employer while the internship is taking place in order to complete the assignments. Additionally, the course serves as a form of mentorship for your internship experience.

I own my own business. Can this experience be used for a business internship course?

While we applaud and value your hard work, we unfortunately cannot use this for enrollment in a business internship course. There are course evaluations throughout the semester, and you cannot certify the evaluations or your work hours for yourself.

I am not a business major, but I’d like to take a business internship course. Can I enroll in a business internship course?

Our courses are not restricted to business majors, so if you meet all requirements for the business internship course, you can request to enroll. Please click on the appropriate garnet button under the “Undergraduate Internship Courses and Requirements” or “Graduate Internship Courses and Requirements” section on the main internship webpage for more details.

Internship Search FAQs

I am interested in securing an internship, but don’t know where to begin. How can I get started?

We recommend checking our College of Business Job & Internship Board and NoleNetwork to get familiar with opportunities. After reading through the listings, select a few internships that you are interested in. Then, schedule an appointment with us or attend one of our Internship Search & Planning Strategies Info Sessions so we can help you put your best foot forward when applying.

We also regularly host recruiting events on campus. Please see our events page or send us an email at to learn more.

I’d like to get my resume reviewed before applying or attending an upcoming recruiting event. How can I get this done?

We recommend setting up an appointment with a member of our Professional Development team a few days prior to when you’d like to apply or attend the event. Then, send a copy of your resume to whomever you set the appointment with beforehand, so they have time to review and have some comments ready for you during your appointment.

This appointment can be made through Campus Connect, which is accessible through your myFSU homepage. Our team is listed under “Special Programs” and “COB Center for Professional Success.”

If I’m seeking an internship for the summer, when should I start applying?

Our recommendations vary by your career goals. You can attend one of our Internship Search & Planning Strategies Info Sessions to learn more.

Please click here to register for a session.

What companies are interested in FSU business students?

Check out our job search resources and companies attending the college’s Business Career Expo for a good idea of the breadth of companies who’ve hired FSU business students in the past.

We also recommend talking with us! Register for one of our Internship Search & Planning Strategies Info Sessions to learn more.

For additional questions, please contact us at