While most of movie was good enough, it frequently shifts focus to the white teacher's relationship with her husband and places a great deal of focus on her being victimized for not being racist. For educational purposes a movie from the perspective of the kids would probably be better. The script was honestly pretty bad at times, but kids 12-14 won't mind. A good movie for younger teenagers who have never been introduced to the issues discussed in the film. Swearing is nothing a twelve year hasn't heard at school, violence is not gratuitous or overly graphic.
Watched most of it in 8th grade class, came home decided to rent it out and watch it in it's entirety, and it's extremely good, and moving, my school is full of prejudice kids, and I feel this might have moved a few, I've heard less racial slurs being yelled and people have joked about gangs alot less too, it also talks 'bout how no matter who you are, you're worth something and that maybe you aren't being teacher right or you have problems at home, but no matter what you can achieve what you want to achieve (as cliché as that is to say.) I would really recommend this, I've been failing in nearly all classes but this gave me confidence and understanding and I haven't gotten an F in awhile, I go to highschool soon (summer starts in about a month so around 4 months) and I feel prepared and more confident. 10/10 please do watch. I'd like to add, that this in reality does nor have too much violence, it's in fact a somewhat water down version of a gang life in terms of violence too, people are being pretty dramatic, but do be cautious.