Permits, Licenses and Applications

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Welcome to the Plainfield Center for permits, licenses and applications. These vary and can range from getting a pet license to a construction permit, and everything in-between! As a businessperson, community representative, homeowner or commercial property owner seeking a permit, license and/or application for your project or event, you can find applications and contact information to get started here. Information pertaining to the permit, license and/or application process and payment must be obtained directly from the respective City Division as indicated below

Issued by Clerk's Office
The below applications are available through the clerk's office. Should you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or have additional questions or concerns contact: Abubakar Jalloh at (908) 753-3222 or

CLICK HERE for the eGOV Center for the above applications and permits.

Issued by Engineering Division

If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or don't see what you are looking for contact:
Oren K. Dabney
(908)- 753-3375 or

Issued by Fire Department
To pay by credit card or e-check click on the blue box below. The list of permits and applications are listed in the drop-down box at the bottom of the page (Downloadable Forms). Please fill out the applicable application and e-mail to

Issued by Health Division
If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or don't see what you are looking for contact: Dr. Atif Nazir (908) 753-3092 or

Issued by Inspections Division

If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, processes or don't see what you are looking for contact: Leticia Velez (908) 753-3386 or

Vacant foreclosure and/or vacant bank-owned property

To register a vacant foreclosure and/or vacant bank-owned property, please visit

Any questions with respect to registration requirements, registration status, etc. should be directed to SUPPORT@PROCHAMPS.COM.

The list of permits and applications are listed at the bottom of the page. To apply and pay by credit card use the below link

Issued by Planning and Zoning

If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or don't see what you are looking for contact: Bill Nierstedt (908) 753-3391 or

If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or don't see what you are looking for contact: Veronica Taylor (908) 753-3097 or

If you have any questions regarding permits, licenses, applications, process or don't see what you are looking for contact: Barbara Jennings-Wynn (908) 753-3093 or

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Issued by Engineering Division 1 document