A guide to master data management: What, why, who, and how

A recent Deloitte Digital report shows that an average business uses 16 applications to leverage customer data and about 25 different data sources to generate customer insights. As the number of data tools increase, businesses struggle to enable central and efficient data management architectures across their organization.

Having delivered data solutions to Fortune 500 clients for over a decade, we have encountered various data issues that businesses struggle to resolve. For most companies, the biggest and the most common data challenge is the same:

Building a unified view of core data assets.

Simply put, businesses need to find a way to consolidate the disparate records of their main data entities, such as customers, products, locations, etc. Moreover, they want to set up data systems that can sustain this consolidation accurately and efficiently over time. This process is often termed as master data management.

In this guide, you will find answers to all your questions about master data management: what it is, why do you need it, how can you manage it, and how it compares to other disciplines. Let’s begin.

What is master data?

The processes or transactions happening in a business always involve a certain set of entities or concepts. Depending on a business’s line of operation, these entities may differ, but generally, they include following data assets: