Church Bylaws: 5 Essential Tips All Churches Should Follow

A gold-accented, lacquered maple gavel on a blonde oak desk with a sign that reads


Paul offered this guidance to the church in Corinth when their meetings became chaotic and disorderly. Multiple people were prophesying and speaking in tongues simultaneously with no one to interpret.

According to Paul, interpretation is essential to give meaning to church proceedings that otherwise appear to be senseless babel.

Church bylaws function in a similar way as the Corinthian interpreters (or lack thereof). They prevent church actions, governance, and decisions from becoming chaotic and confused. They furthermore render those decisions or actions intelligible before a judge if they are ever challenged in court.

Church bylaws are an essential foundation for the church’s structure, leadership, decision-making, and other governance procedures.

This article further explores the question: What are church bylaws? It also provides vital considerations for church leaders when drafting its bylaws, which is an essential process when determining how to start a church legally.

What Are Church Bylaws?

So what are church bylaws? They detail the vision, mission, governance, and operational activities that are established in a church’s articles. Church bylaws also form an agreement among church members, acting as guardrails necessary for healthy church governance and action.

For example, your bylaws should provide the qualifications for and manner of appointment/election of all church directors and officers. They detail the responsibilities of those directors and rules for handling director vacancies, removals, resignations, board meetings, etc. These bylaws encourage fair and transparent decision-making, holding leaders accountable for church procedures and decisions.

While the specific details of church bylaws may vary depending on your denomination and local context, here are some provisions that are typically included in church bylaws: